
Learn to work with the new leadership paradigm of «leading so people will lead».

Gone are the days where “leading so people will follow” is sufficient. As organizations need to become more agile, innovative, collaborative, and perform well within the background of constant change – more and more, people in leadership require additional skills, concepts, knowledge, and capacity to “lead so that people will lead”.

Providers of Goodness offers the Next Level Leadership online course, to grow 4D Leadership skills in yourself and your organization. You will train your self-leadership, and on how to grow an organizational culture of «leading so people will lead». The course consists of five self-study modules rooted in the Genuine Contact way of working, developed by our partners Birgitt Williams and Rachel Bolton from Dalar international Inc. Each module is followed by a peer-to-peer mentoring circle offered by Providers of Goodness.

Basics for collective intelligence.

What do you feel about change? Do you think it is good, difficult, bad, fun? Your thoughts about change influence your leadership, decision making, and communication. We are always part of some kind of change or transformation, like a company merger, developing a new product, moving to a new location, and even a divorce. This module trains you as a leader of an organization, group, or of your own life, to set up your starting point for change and kick off with the next level leadership perspective!


This module is designed to grow your understanding of:

  • Effective change in an organization, starting with yourself and your perspective.
  • Importance of leadership capacity and commitment for successful innovation.

Storytelling for organizational and leadership development.

Do you know the importance of storytelling? Where are stories usually shared in your business? Dive into the power of storytelling and learn to transform qualitative stories into quantitative data. You will gather invaluable information to strengthen your collective innovation capacity, your organizational strategy, and your overall performance.


This module is designed to grow your understanding of:

  • Storytelling as collective innovation method.
  • Facilitation tips for story sharing meetings for organizational/individual capacity building.
  • How to transform qualitative data from stories into quantifiable data with tools.

Change navigation with an overview.

Do you know what you do not know? Being a leader means leading into the new and unknown. In this module you will train how to guide yourself with a framework that incorporates change and the effects of change. In order to design successful, sustainable and human-centered innovation work, be prepared to be surprised!


This module is designed to grow your understanding of:

  • Adaptability and flexibility with 4D leadership perspective.
  • Understanding natural cycles to benefit sustainable development.

Personal boundaries … at work.

Communication issues, conflict between colleagues, and projects that don’t move forward are all examples of what happens when boundaries are not clear. Often, personal boundaries are not discussed at work. In the business environment, boundaries are a powerful compass that guide a leader to create healthy, mutually respectful, and supportive (work) relationships. Have you ever disliked someone in your office, class, family? Please take this module and make peace on your mind.


This module is designed to grow your understanding of:

  • Conflict resolution in interaction and communication.
  • Clarifying, setting, and upholding boundaries.
  • Ways to facilitate team discussions about boundaries.

Discover the ground for a leadership culture.

What are the challenges you face with creating a leadership culture? Do you believe your colleagues have leadership capacity? Industry 4.0 brings rapid changes in the world we live in. With the changes we are facing, individual and organizational transformation is an inevitable challenge. To align external and internal changes, this module provides training for the next level leadership that can invite collective and participatory ways of working.


This module is designed to grow your understanding of:

  • The next level leadership paradigm of ‘leading so people will lead’’.
  • Explicit ways of working with beliefs in organizations.
  • Facilitation skills for team building and leadership training.
